

Post-Rock, Ambient, Experimental aus USA, seit 2004



It was cold that morning. The sun had just started to break but there was ice on the ground. The sky was beautiful, crimson painted clouds from the chemicals in the teargas. I still remember when it hit. Pandemonium stopped and everyone turned to look at the sky when it broke through the clouds. And there, among the silent unity of an entire race (?) the thought now is still overwhelming. I have never felt so powerful. and so helpless. My father turned to me with eyes I still see in my dreams. 'This is it.' He said, 'The angels are waiting.' I was seven. The pressure shifted in my head and there was a searing pain in my ears and sound was gone. We watched it hit. Huge and into the earth, and for a second the entire sky exploded in white like the core of a match as it strikes against the gr (...) Mehr anzeigenit. Before my eyes adjusted I was hurled backwards and tumbled in a rip curl of wind that sped through us like it was trying to out run time. Dazed, I pulled myself to my feet and color flushed open my eyes. The sky was starting to fold in on us Weniger anzeigen

  1. Lamba (Brokenear No. 5, 2006)Kommentar
  2. Reaper (Brokenear No. 5, 2006)Kommentar
  3. 20 20 (Brokenear No. 5, 2006)Kommentar
  4. Skeleton (Brokenear No. 5, 2006)Kommentar

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