
Porta Inferi

German Infernal Metal aus Neubrandenburg, seit 2004



In the fall of 2004, three young metalheads decided to found the band PORTA INFERI. In Penzlin, a small village between Rostock and Neubrandenburg, in the north-east of Germany, the band gets a practice room and the first seven songs took form. After a while the band hits the stages in the north-German areas. PORTA INFERIs base changed from Penzlin to Neubrandenburg, to be closer to the active metal scene. After several Line Up-Changes , a new devise was made: “fuck the past, look in the future!”

In June 2009, the first recordings took place. The song “The Battue”, recorded under professional Circumstances at the LSD-Studio, was the start to record a whole album. Ten songs where recorded at “Shredsound-Studio” in the winter of 2009. As the Artwork was done, the album “Guillotine”, was rel (...) Mehr anzeigeneased at the 1st. of June in 2010.

Since 2009, the band gets routine by playing a very lot of gigs in Germany. Furthermore the first Video Clip was shot by the famous director Ronald Matthes (Roax Media) and was released on youtube.

At the end of the year 2012, PORTA INFRI will begin to record their second album. In this year the band welcomes a new member, a new frontman joins the line-up, to raise PORTA INFERI to a five men Outfit. The Band is working to top the amount of gigs from year to year and a promo tour for 2013 is planned. Weniger anzeigen


Chris Fatal

Sänger, Gitarrist


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