
Atomic Neon

Cold Wave, Post Punk aus Essen, seit 2007


Label: Alice in... (Dark Dimensions Label Group)


For the past 10 years, Atomic Neon have established themselves as a household name among fans of Post-Punk, Wave and Goth-Rock throughout Europe. Though often compared to the likes of The Cure due to the melancholy-laden vocals of singer Rio Black, Atomic Neon have developed their very own remarkably original style based on a variety of influences. Guitar-driven, song-oriented harmonic structures paired with dark atmospheric orchestral soundscapes fit perfectly to the bleak yet passionately poetic lyrics of Rio Black. Full of bittersweet pain, pitch-black and at times beautifully sinister...such is the music of Atomic Neon!
...dark, melancholic and full of pain!

Über Atomic Neon :
Atomic Neon ist eine der beeindruckensten Cold Wave-Bands der neueren Zeit. Wie kaum eine andere Formation ve (...) Mehr anzeigenrstehen es die Musiker die Melancholie des Wave der 80er Jahre mit der Verlorenheit in der Moderne des neuen Milleniums zu verbinden. Zwei Jahre nach dem vielbeachteten Debüt "Darkenia" erscheint nun mit "Change" das zweite Album. "Change" ist anders und dennoch typisch Atomic Neon, es wird gelitten (I Hate My Love, Alone), getrauert (Weep) und über verlorene Liebe gesungen(Without You), es ist rotziger (Change, Welt Ohne Farbe) und trotzdem zart (Last Light, My Cry Of Pain) und zerbrechlich (Empty, She)! "Change" ist voller Gefühl und Seele, ein Album welches persönlicher nicht sein könnte (I Am Black, Alien) aber auch genug Platz läßt für jeden der sich darin finden will. Verzerrte Gitarren, sphärische Keyboardparts, düstere Bassläufe und ein eindringliches Schlagzeug untermalen den klagenden Gesang. Es ist ein ehrliches Album, dunkel, melancholisch und voller Schmerz!

You wonder who we are? What`s the meaning of our name?! It`s a long story, you might hardly believe it, but it`s true! We come from another galaxy, we came here after our most important element was stolen and probably hidden here on earth, the atomicseriliatal neonoximentaldihydrat, short atomic neon. The thieves were enemies of the government, rebells who fought for a better world, but this theft was the beginning of the end for us all. It surely wasn`t their intention, but before they could tell where the atomic neon is hidden they died in a fight with a governmental glider. So we were sent out to save our world. Our order was finding the element before our world goes down because the atomic neon was the foundation and the guarantor for life on our whole planet. Without it the planet would melt from the inside and everything would be deleted. We had complications landing on earth and we had a crash landing. Our survival tanks saved our lives but our ship was totally destroyed. We got stranded. Our world was lost and we are the last survivors. Or did anybody else save themselves? After a couple of years we have decided to form this band and make the kind of music people used to listen to back home when we left. Our mourning and the parallels between our worlds are enormous and all that flows into our music............... Weniger anzeigen


Rio Black


  1. The Waking Dead (Dance Mix) (Atomic Neon - The Bodanegra Session, 2016)Kommentar
  2. Cold Room (Atomic Neon - Darkenia, 2008)Kommentar
  3. Down (Atomic Neon - DOWN, 2015)Kommentar
  4. Empty (Atomic Neon - Change, 2011)Kommentar
  5. Mein Kleid ( der Schneider Teil2) Kommentar
  6. The Widow (Atomic Neon - THE OTHER (FREE Online e.p.), 2012)Kommentar
  7. The World (Homedemo) (Atomic Neon - life on earth e.P., 2007)Kommentar
  8. Change Mix 1 (Atomic Neon - Change, 2011)Kommentar

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