

Progressive Electro Funkwave aus Köln, seit 2016


Label: Label 21   Management/Booking: MyBandmachine


We play Progressive Electro Funkwave.
For years we have been successful in different formations and as a single musician, now we play together and pretty well. From the classic disco sound of the 80s to progressive to dance pop sounds, everyone is represented.
Inspired by the music of Depeche Mode, Yello, Massive Attack, Faithless, Gary Numan, Daft Punk, Eurythmics and Kraftwerk we created our own special sound and music as a mix of Rock, Wave, Soul, Funk, Jazz and Dance. Sonetimes in a song you find a crossover of styles incl. a bit of classic arrangements. We love to play live and audiences enjoy our music.

Press: With the band BANDMACHINE from Cologne things got bizarre in the club. The sound of this band can also be described badly with a single style, because this band had sound of e (...) Mehr anzeigenverything with something on board. In addition, the saxophone voice - they have us picked up in another dimension. Also noteworthy was the well thought-out outfit of this band, matching the sound mix.
#bandmachine's songs will pimp you into an other dimension realy. Our music movies are recorded mainly in Germany, GB and USA. Great musican like Thomas C. Brueck (Synths and Composing), Martha Potempa (Vocals), Dirk Schoening (Guitars & Bass) and guests are #bandmachine.
Now the band is much more better and bigger than before. Big people, a small big budget and big fun are recorded to our movies and music. In addition #bandmachine works with amazing guests like Roland Pail (Fanta4), Durga McBroom (Brit. Pink Floyd Show), UliP (Fehlfarben) and more.
If you want to joyn us, please send a message to info@bandmachine.online
Yours #bandmachine Weniger anzeigen


Thomas C. Brueck

Synthesizerspieler, Komponist, Producer, Soundtechniker

Martha Maria Potempa

Sängerin, Songwriterin, Pianistin


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