
Clara Luani

Folktronica / Elektrofolk / Electro-Indie aus Erlangen, seit 2015



Clara Luani was born inside the heart of a Greek-German Psychologist with an English accent. Her music is a fusion of Indie Folk and Electronica, and the human condition with all its depths and hilarities is her goldmine for lyrics that are both sharp and poetic.

Born the daughter of an opera singer, Clara Luani sang before she could speak and soaked up the flamboyant atmosphere of opera houses around the world since she was knee-high to a grasshopper. From the age of 12, she has been writing her own songs on the piano, while earning pocket money as an opera singer herself in Bonn and Nuremberg, Germany.

Clara Luani’s musical style reflects her years as a psychology student in England, where she picked up influences of British and American New Folk artists such as Iron & Wine, Regina Sp (...) Mehr anzeigenektor and Emmy the Great. Since 2013 she sings and plays the lute in her own Indie Folk band Lex & Lian.

Goblin Ore is the first single release from her debut album, Songs from the InterCityExpress - written entirely on a mobile phone and venturing into the realms of electronic music for the first time. Goblin Ore is a complex exploration of her fascination with the chemical element Cobalt as a lyrical metaphor for deception. Weniger anzeigen


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