
Deadend Grace

Metalcore / Melodic Hardcore aus Aalen, seit 2018



Mainly influenced by the Metalcore of the early 2000's, by artists such as As I Lay Dying, Parkway Drive, and Architects, comes a yet unique musical repertoire by this Band from Swabia (southern germany). Deadend Grace delivers typical Metalcore-Riffs and Vocals with additional details of Black-Metal, Postmetal and Hardcore. In the first year, the band played a couple of shows, started their own concert-series with a committed crew, recorded 2 singles and published their own music-video. Future efforts will include studio-recordings (for the first EP).

Drums: Schorsch / Guitar & Tech: Dom / Vocals, Guitar & Media: Zora

NOW - 2022/11 - Songwriting; GTP Part4 2022/04 - Release of the 3rd Single Fear Yourself feat. Steffi Stuber (From TheVoice of Germany 2019) 2021/03 - New Single (...) Mehr anzeigen Recording 2020/06 - Interview (SYLB-Podcast); Songwriting while isolation 2020/03 - Gear Upgrades 2020/02 - We All Are Heroes-Music-Video published; GTP Part3 2019/12 - Recordings for We All Are Heroes (& Music-Video) 2019/11 - The Concert Series (GTP) continues; 2019/07 - Start of the own Concert-Series "GRID: The Pit" (Cyberpunk/Synthwave event with Metal-Billing) augmented by the Event-Playlist: #welcome2thegrid; 2019/05 - Recordings of Darkest Place 2019/04 - First show in Augsburg - Reese Theater 2019/01 - The first songs got ready; Show-Requests (!) 2018/10 - Founded in Aalen (Germany/Swabia) with one gole: Play a show asap! Weniger anzeigen


Flo Walentin


Kevin Zora

Sänger, Gitarrist


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