

Rock, Alternative/Independent aus Berlin, seit 2016



Get ready for the release of DinoSound's highly anticipated new long player "State of the Art"! This rock band from the vibrant city of Berlin is fronted by both a male and female lead, bringing a unique and dynamic energy to their sound.

With a blend of classic rock and a modern edge, DinoSound is set to take the music world by storm with their upcoming release. Featuring catchy, high-energy tracks and powerful vocals from both Janine and Florin, this album is sure to be a standout in 2023.

But it's not just the vocals that are being revamped on "State of the Art"; the music itself is also impressive with its diverse and challenging compositions. Whether it be pop-punk summer melodies, guitar-heavy hair metal, or dreamy indie rock - the four members of DinoSound from Berlin write, produ (...) Mehr anzeigence, and live out every facet of rock music in their self-titled 'Tausendsassa' studio with great attention to detail. On stage and in their music videos, the humorous Berliners prove that their energetic and varied songs are not only fun on record, but also on stage. Weniger anzeigen


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