
Domino Spada

A very good mix between a fresh jazz and new original soul / R&Bitalian sound aus Berlin, seit 2020


Domino is my original's project name, but for the first of all, is my real name. In this project grow up with me in the last two years, and thorught this songs i try to tell my story and my experiences as an artist and a person as well. I start to study jazz singing in Rome at the conservatory "Saint Louis College of Music" where i had the opportunity to create new connections with different kind of musicians and so I had the opportunity to discover new different ways to approch to music with voice as a singer, but also as a songwriter and arranger. This project is the result of all these experiences collected in an album that is coming out. From 2020 I run this original project by myself, and I released the first two singles "Liquido" and "Distratti" on my YouTube and Spotify channels. (...) Mehr anzeigenI had experience with different Italian radios and web concerts as "Rai Isoradio 101.3", "Radio NSL", "Radio YougTv", and "Radio Kaos", "Movimento Musica",
"Concert at Synthesia Studio". I also had shows in different venues in Rome
as Le Mura, "Festa Della Musica di Roma" and the Nomads Club in Berlin where recently I moved. Weniger anzeigen


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