

Singer/Songwriter Duo aus Voitsberg, seit 2015



Our musical journey has begun a few years ago when somewhere along our way we decided to form our own band. It soon was clear that the projekt would be labelled with "Drawzznikk" - standing for "Traussnigg", our family name!

The next step was to record a demo in addition to performing numerous gigs and radio interviews. In consequence of these activities a couple of record labels took notice of us, leading to us getting involved in projects like "The Randy Rhoads CD Project", "Guitar Wizards", or "No More Tears: A Millennium Tribute to Ozzy Osbourne“, where we were featured alongside international stars such as George Lynch, Brad Gillis or Bruce Kulick. In January 2013 Heart of Steel Records released our first EP called „Wings“.

After this eventful period we felt that the time was ripe f (...) Mehr anzeigenor something new - a brand new way to represent our music. The answer to all questions: one guitar, one voice. A new idea was born. From that moment on, our entire concentration and creativity has been devoted to our new songs that stretch the boundaries between Hard Rock and other musical styles. Expect soulful ballads as well as crunching guitar riffs! Each live-performance gives listeners the same feeling that is portrayed through our records and that makes Drawzznikk a kind of its own.

To make a long story short: ONE GUITAR, ONE VOICE = ONE SOUL Weniger anzeigen


Martin Traussnigg


Nina Traussnigg



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