
Extremely Normal

Poppiger Rock & Rockiger Pop aus Sinzig, seit 2000



Extremely Normal was founded by songwriter and producer Christian Ehmer
and drummer Sebastian Schmitz in the year 2000. They had several singers
auditioning, both male and female vocalists. In 2003 Extremely Normal found
themselves, for the first time, a male voice by the name of "Fuggi". It was
obvious that a new rock/popband was born.
In 2004 and 2005 they played their biggest event, doing a show at the open air
theatre St. Goarshausen Loreley.
This open air theatre was sponsored by Big FM and Pro7. What a great
opportunity to introduce their music to a broad audience. After having played
several successful concerts like e.g. in the surroundings of Frankfurt and
Leverkusen the band matured to become a first class rock/pop band.
In 2006 they presented their fans with their fir (...) Mehr anzeigenst CD called Between nine and
twelve, which was recorded and published by themselves with their own label
Extremely Records EXR". 2008 - 2016 Several radio stations like SWR1 or the
armed forces radio showed their interest in the band and asked for interviews
with these creative musicians to find out more about their album, which you can
also purchase on this website and on amazon.
2018/2019 Extremely Normal play successfully in the occupation today with
Michaela Kellermann (VOC) , Manuel Löbbert (DRUMS),
Jörg Löhrer ( BASS) , Daniel Stein (GUITAR) and Christian Ehmer (KEYS).
Extremely Normal currently working on their new live program and their new
CD as well on new audio material . Weniger anzeigen


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