

Akkustisch aus Wien, seit 2003



Elke Pichler decided to make her passion and hobby to her profession. Since being a child she loves to dive into the ocean of music, therefore she was singing already as a very young child, playing the piano and the flute traverse. She started writing texts and melodies for the songs with FeinSinn. Elke studied Modern Dance at the Conservatory of Vienna. She was dancing with different Companies but also did and does her own music- and dancetheater- pieces with FeinSinn. She loves Yoga and teaches Yoga-Classes - see also myspace.com/elkepichler

Alexander Nantschev was listening already as a small child to the harmonies of the universe. Therefore he started playing the violin at the age of three. Soon he also learned to play the piano and jazz-guitar. He studied violin and piano at the (...) Mehr anzeigenuniversity of Vienna and was touring around the world as a violinist with conductors like Claudio Abbado, Pierre Boulez, Kent Nagano and Daniel Gatti. But at the same time his own music became more and more important to him. Weniger anzeigen


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