

Tonstudio und Recording, Musikproduktion, gegründet 2018
Heldenplatz 1, 1010 Wien


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"Our services are made for independent artists in first place"

Blackbird Mastering is a world class Mastering Studio where the Artist and their music comes first. We handle your material with care and we respect the decision making of producers and mixing engineers around the world.
We will treating your audio with the same care whether they were recorded in the biggest music studio or in your own private garage.
Our services are made for independent artists in first place but whether you deliver a production with seriously high budget or productions with budget constrains, we are totally respect your work schedule and we´ll deliver a high quality Master.
Our Studio is currently working totally digital but however, great gear alone can’t deliver a great sounding master. When it comes to m (...) Mehr anzeigenastering, nothing can compete with years of experience, good taste, great ears, true love and passion for helping audio sound its absolute best. Weniger anzeigen


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