
Ghila Pan

Ausgebildet bei persischem Musiker in Gesang, Dombak und Tambur seit 1989, Jazzgesangsworkshops bei Laureen Newton, Theo Bleckman u. a, klassicher Gesang bei Hutter Falk, Mozarteum, Klavierunterricht bei M. Marageter, Hot Pans Road Club u.a. aus Salzburg, seit 2014



Although born in Austria, the only place I really call home is the Secret Love that lives inside my heart. This place is a kingdom in itself, although invisible.
Call me a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jew - I am all of it and nothing at all, because I believe, there is a living God inside everyone of us. So my only church is an open heart, I am not very familiar with worshipping nationalities, labels or class systems.
In my hometown Salzburg I attended a highschool for music, but turned later on to work professionally as a physiotherapist. In1990 I met my Persian music teacher, Mohammad Eghbal, and began to walk deeper into the subject of music. I started with practicing on rhythm for a long period of time while learning the technics for playing the dombec ( a drum, played w (...) Mehr anzeigenith specific finger-technics ). During this time, lyrics came to me and I began to arrange my songs on the piano, taking lessions on this instrument, too. And still later on my soul longed for learning the tambur.
One of the most important things for me has been to find my own voice, my own rhythm, my own words. And this demanded practicing every day continually for a long period of time. As a singer I attended workshops in Jazz with Laureen Newton, Theo Bleckman and others, too, in classical singing I took lessions with Hutter Falk ( Mozarteum).
For seven years I worked together with the viola-player Romana Kemlein, and as a duet we performed my songs on weddings, on exhibitions and in pubs ( Jambo, Klinker's Club, Nunheads Pub and so on...).
Furthermore I wrote two e-books, an unpublished book for children, shortstories and poems. In 2014 I began to introduce my creative work in the internet and through social media.
I would like to make people smile, think twice and inspire them to find out, who they really are.
I feel connected with all the ones who are deeply in love with life itself and try to shelter it. Weniger anzeigen


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