
Guy Palumbo

Intergalactic Acoustic Musician, habitual guitar-abuser, fanatic groove-digger, fun-loving dad:) aus Fuerth, seit 1981


Frank Zappa said that music is the decoration of space over time, and I've always liked looking at it that way. Every room, every group is different (even if you play in the same room with the same people more than once), and there is something very beautiful and fun knowing that what happens here won't happen again. It's OUR experience, OUR little secret...even if it's recorded it's not the same as being in the room, speaking with you, looking each other in the eyes and, hopefully, singing together (sometimes I like to do spontaneous collaborations if there are those about who are into it).

When it is all said and done, my goal is for all of us to have pleasant memories to think on and fun stories to tell:)


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