

Progressive Metal aus Gera / Dresden / Leipzig, seit 2005


Label: Timezone Records


After the band's reformation in autumn 2003 and the release of their first EP “Leave”, the progressive Metal guys were just blasting into the arena with their self-titled album – in comparison with their former sound not too much has changed apart from the fact that HIDDEN TIMBRE have apparently been converging tremendously - elements of progrock, artrock and pop blended smoothly in massive metal structures. Anja Braeutigams (leadvocals 09/2003-02/2010) unstrained and sexy voice appears as the common thread of their multifarious music. Well, who is not languishing? Exactly!!
What started out as a non-binding jamming project has now become deadly serious. Nevertheless you can easily tell that all musicians go up in flames. The guitar players are literally beside themselves with delight in p (...) Mehr anzeigenlaying and creativity, while the bass combines stimulating warmth with gentle melodic melodies. Dodgy rhythms even challenge well-grounded ears and make your feet move without any ifs and buts. One might consider it paradox that all zealously played songs are adorned with frowning, deep reaching lyrics but it’s quiet the contrary – that is just what makes the picture even more colorful.
Far from superficiality, to see behind the curtains - an intellectual bird for materialism and fast-paced life, that’s what HIDDEN TIMBRE stands for.
Nobody else than Kalle Wallner, guitar player of the German Progrock Giant RPWL and initiator of BLIND EGO, co-produced their current thrilling record and has a one-shot on the longplayer which was mixed and mastered by Yogi Lang (RPWL).
In spring 2009 a classic-rock opus called "Hereafter" which was recorded at BUGA 2007 was published by Red Farm Records. ....
Right now HIDDEN TIMBRE is working on a new album - with new material, new influences and of course with their new singer!
...will see what's coming up. Everyone is curious about it. Weniger anzeigen




  1. Fortunes (Triangulation, 2013)Kommentar
  2. Headshot (Triangulation, 2013)Kommentar
  3. Kidz (Triangulation, 2013)Kommentar

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