

Powerful Metal and Death influenced Hardcore aus Koblenz, seit 2007



Hordak are a Hardcore / Metal Band from Koblenz, Germany, formed in 2007.

They acquired their name based on a fictional character in the Masters of the Universe franchise. In 2008 they recorded their 5 Track Demo, called „Burn Utopia“.

Times are changing and in Spring 2010, bass player Michael and Vocalist Pierre parted ways with the band. After short discussions , the band decided to record their first full length Album, with the last three Members, Chuong Trinh, Daniel Schmidt and Jens Puderbach. They had been in Lebach, Germany, recording the album throughout July and August with Christian Diehl (Bass player of His Statue Falls) as producer. Guitarist Chuong Trinh took vocal responsibilities after Pierre's departure and he also played the bass on the record.

After recording, Hordak w (...) Mehr anzeigenere searching for a new Guitarist and Bassplayer. Guitarist Atilla Oguz taking over for Trinh and Michael was replaced by Jens Bracht. Weniger anzeigen


Jens Bracht

Bassist, Sänger


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