
Leon Bruhn

Hey, I'm Leon, the lead vocalist for FaceTwo a Hard Rock Band from Hamburg! If you want to find out more check out my Socials, Sänger aus Hamburg
Sänger bei FaceTwo



I started playing the guitar when I was seven and haven't stopped loving music ever since! When I turned twelve I wanted to get into singing and got my first vocal coach. By the time I was 15 I switched to a Vocal Coach who specified in teaching Hard Rock Vocals (screams, grunts etc.). After playing in several cover bands I started my Solo project in 2020 called "FaceTwo". After releasing 2 Songs I got together with a Bass player. We wrote and released our third and Current Single "Fighter" that came out in February this year. We currently are searching for a Drummer and a Guitarist to complete our Band/Live ensemble and form a complete Band around FaceTwo.
Looking forward to getting in contact with you guys.
Rock N' Roll



Old School Hard Rock with a good modern Punch aus Hamburg


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