Deathbat - Avenged Sevenfold Cover Band

Deathbat Looking for Guitarist, Drums, and Bass

81667 München

Anzeige von Deathbat - Avenged Sevenfold Cover Band (Rock, Metal aus München), veröffentlicht am 17. Januar 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Gitarrist/in, Bassist/in, Schlagzeuger/in
Genre: Rock, Metal
Anspruch: Ambitioniert, Semiprofessionell
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme



We, Mark(41M) and I(29M), are looking for a guitarist, a drummer and a bass for our Band, Deathbat, an Avenged Sevenfold Cover Band.
We have been playing together in total for a year and been covering Avenged Sevenfold songs and want dedicated new members
to join us. Our main goal is to cover A7X songs and eventually do gigs and for the moment we want to focus on just covering.

We have been covering the following songs and new ones will be added with the consensus of the new members.

- Scream
- Nightmare
- Unholy Confessions
- Hail to the King
- This Means War
- Buried Alive

We have already a rehearsal room and we plan to rehearse once a week and when we start doing gigs it will be one day rehearsal
and one day gig so our expectation is that initially once a week and eventually tw (...) Mehr anzeigenice a week availability.
If everything sounds good, hit us up then we could get together and discuss the details.

E-mail: tanriyakulmelih@gmail.com

Melih Weniger anzeigen


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Deathbat - Avenged Sevenfold Cover Band looking for Guitarist, Drummer, and Bass

We, Mark(41M) and I(29M), are looking for a guitarist, a drummer and a bass for our Band, Deathbat, an Avenged Sevenfold Cover Band.
We have been playing together in total for a year and been covering Avenged Sevenfold songs and want dedicated new members
to join us. Our main goal is to cover A7X songs and eventually do gigs and for the moment we want to focus on just covering.

We have been covering the following songs and new ones will be added with the consensus of the new members.

- Scream
- Nightmare
- Unholy Confessions
- Hail to the King
- This Means War
- Buried Alive

We have already a rehearsal room and we plan to rehearse once a week and when we start doing gigs it will be one day rehearsal
a (...) Mehr anzeigennd one day gig so our expectation is that initially once a week and eventually twice a week availability.
If everything sounds good, hit us up then we could get together and discuss the details.

E-mail: tanriyakulmelih@gmail.com

Melih Weniger anzeigen


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