Mel Joy

Singer-Songwriter looking for a BACKING BAND for original music!

67435 Neustadt an der Weinstraße

Anzeige von Mel Joy (Sängerin, Keyboarderin bei Melissa Joy), veröffentlicht am 29. Mai 2024


Rubrik: Sängerin, Ukulelespielerin, Keyboarderin sucht Mitmusiker (Schlagzeuger/in, Pianist/in, Gitarrist/in, Synthesizerspieler/in, Percussionist/in, Background-Sänger/in, Soundtechniker/in, Bassist/in)
Genre: Pop, Jazz
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Erfahren, Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: nicht vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Hiya! My name is Mel, and I am looking for young musicians in or around Freiburg that are willing to become part of a unique project: play in a backing band for purely original music. I write songs in Pop, Alternative/Indie, RnB and a hint of Jazz - inspirations are eg Laufey, Billie Eilish, and Matt Maltese.
There's gonna be a new wave of music, and I am hoping to make it big(ger), also with the help of this band. I already have new songs to work with: I'm currently working on an album which includes some beats, so having a drummer would be a relief, especially for the live performances. I wanna make sure that we all vibe with each other on a personal level too and have fun making music!
It's gonna be a fun experiment, cause the band will be the first to hear all the new song projects, a (...) Mehr anzeigennd we will turn it into a live version together. :)

i can't post all my origInal song demos on here, so check out my profile to hear more - and dm me if you want to know more about the kinda music my album will be like. :)

-you play either the drums, guitar, piano/synth, e-guitar, or bass
-you're a young musician, living in or near Freiburg
-you have some experience performing with your instrument on stage
-you are open-minded and like trying out new original song projects
-you are fine with the idea of playing in a *backing* band

Can't wait to get a band together and perform some original music! Weniger anzeigen


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Musikalischer Werdegang

-Von vielen Genres und Artists inspiriert, von Klassisch zu Jazz zu 80s zu Indie Musik usw
-früher bei Musikwettbewerben teilgenommen (und gewonnen)
-Kollaborationen mit weltweiten Produzenten, aus verschiedenen Genre-bereichen (EDM, Pop usw)
-aspirierende Musikerin mit Leidenschaft für Musik
-Songwriting seit 5-6 Jahren


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