

Melodic hard rock aus Bern, seit 2021



INOXIUS ist a young rising hard rock band from Bern, Switzerland. The journey of INOXIUS began on August 6, 2021, in a small basement with two amps, driven by a passion for music and the two guitarists, Roman and Sam. Both of them had already gained valuable experience in other bands. Right from the start, the two got along well. They shared the same vision and goals. They began writing songs at their first meeting. Gradually, more musicians found their way to INOXIUS. Dimi was the third person to join the band. With his skill on the drums, he contributes significantly to INOXIUS's groove. Finding the right voice for INOXIUS was a challenge. When they heard AION's voice, they knew they had found their singer. His emotional voice fits perfectly with INOXIUS. Lastly, INOXIUS searched for a b (...) Mehr anzeigenass player. With Jinni, a talented bassist, the band was complete and INOXIUS was born.

The members of INOXIUS have a great love for music, and it shows in their sound. They write their own songs, music that they enjoy and simply have fun with. Rocking guitar riffs, groovy drum beats, an emotional voice, and cool bass lines define their style. Their music style could be described as melodic hard rock.

Since the beginning of 2023, INOXIUS has been complete and has already played several concerts. There, they were able to present their own songs to an audience for the first time and received important feedback. They are at the beginning of their journey and are full of energy and joy. Their goal is to share their love for music with others. INOXIUS is ready to inspire more people with their music this year and rock many stages! Weniger anzeigen


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