
Luke Clerkin

Emotive Folk pop aus Mannheim, seit 2015


Luke Clerkin is a prize winning musician from Dublin. In order to really hone his craft, Luke played over 250 gigs all over Ireland in the year of 2015. This included slots at Electric Picnic and Body & Soul.
Luke has gone on to headline prestigious Dublin venues such as The Button Factory, Whelan's and The Workman's Club . He has also brought his music to international audiences playing festivals in LA and Scotland (Youbloom LA, Edinburgh Fringe), as well as a German tour in 2017.
2018 saw Luke release a new EP called 'Second Starts' and play multiple headline shows. 'Second Starts' marked the beginning of a new chapter for Luke as he began to explore a full band sound. This release brought him to play once again at Electric Picnic.
Luke was then invited to play at the prestigious Christi (...) Mehr anzeigene Hennessy weekend in Tralee. He also released 'Take Back The City', a single in aid of Dublin Charity Inner City Helping Homeless on December 14th. Before the release, Luke performed the single on December 1st in front of over 18,000 people in Dublin at the National Housing Demonstration.
2019 has seen Luke take time out to write and record new music, as well as relocate to to Germany. With new releases to come in the new year, 2020 is sure to be great year for him. Weniger anzeigen


Luke Clerkin

Sänger, Steelgitarrist


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