

"Soulful, passionate, groovy." aus Darmstadt, Groß-Gerau, seit 2021



Mando: Where Music Meets Destiny

In the vibrant year of 2020, Roland, our skilled bassist, embarked on an exciting journey in search of new musical horizons. It was then that he discovered Lisa on Instagram, who, at the time, was working on a song that radiated sheer promise. Intrigued by her talents, Roland couldn't resist reaching out with a simple question: "Do you play in a band?" Lisa's response was candid yet profound—she sang, she wrote lyrics, but she lacked the musical canvas to bring her words to life. It was the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

Roland's enthusiasm was infectious, and he decided to enlist the talents of his musician friends to kickstart a new project. The response was nothing short of astonishing, as like-minded artists stepped up to the plate. Just (...) Mehr anzeigenthree short months later, Mando made its electrifying debut at the Music Changes festival, igniting the stage and capturing the hearts of all in attendance.

Comprising the collective brilliance of Lisa on vocals, Sam on drums, Artur on guitar, Daniel on guitar, and Roland on bass, Mando has taken the scene by storm. Lisa's creative prowess provides the guiding light, illuminating the path for the band to craft their unique sound. Each member brings their own flair, merging their artistic backgrounds into a harmonious symphony that captivates all who listen.

After a whirlwind of live performances that showcased their passion and talent, Mando has finally taken the leap into the world of recording. They are determined to share their music with a global audience, extending their reach and touching the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide. With boundless creativity, unwavering dedication, and a shared vision, Mando is set to become a name to remember in the world of music.

Join us on this remarkable journey as we explore new dimensions of sound, emotion, and storytelling. Mando is not just a band; it's an odyssey of musical destiny, and the best is yet to come. Weniger anzeigen


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