

DISCOMETAL aus Lünen, seit 2005



A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... A NEW BAND WAS BORN !!!

After we played our first show in september 2005 a lot of awesome things happend to us and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU. More shows than we ever expected and we will release a split cd with brasilian hardcore rockers JASON in 2006 and support them on their european tour this april.

REVIEWS “Demo 2005”
Hardcore-Roots, Emo-Affinität, Metal-Anleihen - Die Songs ihres ersten Demos klingen - trotz bekannter Zutaten - frisch und unbekümmert, und zeigen, dass auch hier noch sorglos nach vorne gerockt werden kann, ohne sich bereits das arrogante Gepose eines schwarzgescheitelten Möchtegern-Rockstars vorzustellen. Wenn Screamo, dann so! visions.de by Mayer 01/2006

The sound is very contemporary and can be co (...) Mehr anzeigenmpared with bands like DeathByStereo, CoheedAndCambria or Unearth but luckily enough it doesnt sound like a copy of one of these bands. MayTheForceBeWithYou is definitely capable of writing songs in a unique style and I certainly believe in a bright future for this hardcore outfit.
You´re Not Alone Fanzine by Jeroen 11/2005

Das ist ja echt mal ein satter Sound für ein Demo. Klingt ungeheuer sauber und druckvoll. Ziemlich Heavy Metal der ganze Spaß, stört in diesem Falle aber nicht weiter. Wenn die mal ein Album machen geht aber ein Ruck durch die Metalcoregemeinde.
moloko-plus.de by Andre 10/2005

Von der Grundausrichtung sehr metallisch, aber dennoch klar ein Produkt unserer Underground-Szene. Klasse zu wissen, das es solch fähige Hardcore-Musiker hier im Pott gibt. Bei dieser Qualität würde es mich nicht wundern, wenn es diese Band bald auf ein größeres Metal-Label erscheinen würde.Coole Scheiße!
PlasticBomb Nr. 53, 11/2005 by Helge

The idea to form the force came up in late 2004! The bands these guys played in before split up at about the same time due to bandmates going crazy, move to other countries or other just boring and stupid things - their friends gave up the bands that they loved and lived for – and this fourpiece simply remains disappointed.

After doing the first sessions and combining the first riffs the output sounded completely different to their old bands style. A bit surprising but cool indeed. You can expect passion, emotion, more than a bunch of melodies, all in a heavy and aggressive hardcore sound influenced by old time classic bands from all areas and new outfits like Death By Stereo, Comeback Kid, Coheed And Cambria, Unearth, … just to name a few.

The best music is nothing without a good singer. But where to find one? We recorded six ideas to represent our music and to give potential singers an example to listen to first. After some castings with a lot of awesome people the four found their luck with Theo, a guy that often sat in the back of the rehearsal room and just listened. A decision the band doesn’t regret. After 5 rehearsals the now completed band went to the Trust Studios Hamm and recorded the 4 track demo cd-rom that you can download for free @ discometal.de .

Luckily the first shows for 2006 were confirmed. We will give all we have to push the force forward to the next level. Be a part of this journey we count on you!!! You’ll bring the beer, we’ll bring the rock! Weniger anzeigen


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