
Agustin Cuevas

Guitar player with 15+ years of experience, pro gear and ready to start/join a band!, Gitarrist aus Mainz
Gitarrist aus Mainz


I first grabbed a guitar when I was 10 years old, I'm 34 now and currently have a continuing career with various projects on my back. I love everything 90's, if it's heavy, even better. I'm new in Germany, currently located in Mainz, looking to start/join a 90's inspired originals or cover band. I'm a great team player, super friendly and I don't do drugs (nothing against it though, I just prefer a healthier lifestyle). I have a bachelor's degree in Music Production that comes very handy when it comes to record stuff and play live. I have Hi-End gear too! (Gibson/MESA Boogie) and I'm ready to jam!.


I'm a freelance music and video producer.

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