
Alexander Schubert

Tonmeister/ Sound producer/ Bassist und Kontrabist, Bassist, Sänger, Kontrabassist, Producer aus Berlin
Bassist, Sänger, Kontrabassist, Producer aus Berlin



My story is pretty common and at the same time is not as many other musicians'. On my way to perfection I have had to break through many "walls" and to learn a lot about music writing, performing and production.
Relaying on my technical and creative skills I realized myself as professional sound engineer and producer in order to promote my and other's music, after that as music composer to improve films and other media, after that as acoustic engineer and consultant to help engineers and producers reach a perfection in theirs work environment .
This all-encompassing way of working is very natural for me. I love doing all these things while always looking for new challenges and new, yet unknown ways to the perfection in music.

Fender Jazzbass '78
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