
Carlos Ricaurte

Produzent, Texter, Bassist, Sänger, Gitarrist, Schlagzeuger, Digital-DJ aus köln
Texter, Bassist, Sänger, Gitarrist, Schlagzeuger, Digital-DJ aus köln



2shy2dance was founded by Carlos Ricaurte in New York City. The year was 2010 when he decided to mix the acid sounds of soul and funk and setting them over electronic textures. During that time the band performed in different venues both in New York city and Boston. The music was performed by musicians coming from countries like Peru, India and the UK. The project had the idea to incorporate the style and sound of each of these characters.

2011 is the year when the band tours in Colombia gathering popularity and acceptance within Bogota’s musical scene. Once the tour was finished the band enters a period of composing new material, seeking new structures and rhythms. The band then finds another creative input by incorporating to their lineup guitarist Santi LaMula who brings to the mix sou (...) Mehr anzeigennds coming from garage rock and hip hop.

2shy2dance begins a route where music is created, performed and recorded in cities such as Paris, New York, Cologne and Bogota. The sound has a clear influence of that Danish and German electronic sound but blending it with persuasive urban sounds and a Latin-American way of looking at rhythm. Weniger anzeigen


Bachelor Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music

Markbass Combo
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