
Heinz-Jürgen Wiese

Gitarrist,Bassist und Synthi Spieler,Produzent,Studio, Gitarrist, Synthesizerspieler, Bassist aus Haan
Gitarrist, Synthesizerspieler, Bassist aus Haan



Hallo Im Heinz-Jürgen Wiese aka JoJo Wiese Im a Songcreator,Producer, Guitarist, Keyboarder and Bassplayer. On all my Songs with Vocals I invite Friends to sing write the lyrics or play some Instruments!!There are:Rich Harrison from USA on Vocals Lenny Lindquist from Sweden on Vocals Mark Chapman from USA on Vocals Rayman Treacy from Ireland on Vocals Ron Swart from USA on Vocals Stephan Nadji from Germany Fred Fauchet from France!!! All music writen by JoJo Wiese All Instruments played by JoJo Wiese All Arrange and Mix by JoJo Wiese Many thanks to all my Fantastic Friends who Singing on my Songs!!! Hope You All Enjoy My Songs And Music Here!!! The Song "Winter is coming" is an International Songcontest winner!!!The band Rooney was the special guest judge! The Band Rooney said, "Our choice (...) Mehr anzeigen is "Winter is Coming." We dig the high energy intro, with the Dire Straits-esque guitar work and vocals that remind Us of T. Rex. First Prize (Guest Judge's Choice): A guest judge will select a First Prize winner* from the top 5 songs nominated by contestants. The person who enters the winning song will receive $3320 in prizes: # A Dean Markley DM-J360 E Acoustic Guitar. This flat-top jumbo acoustic recalls the Gibson J-160 that John Lennon used with the Beatles. This prize guitar is from Dean Markley's extremely limited line of hand-made high-end acoustic guitars. It has not been made available for sale to the general public, so it is very unique. Weniger anzeigen

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