
Igor Zotik

Klavierlehrer, Keyboardist, Pianist, Keyboarder, Pianist, Synthesizerspieler, Organist aus Berlin
Keyboarder, Pianist, Synthesizerspieler, Organist aus Berlin


Mehr als 15 Jahre Stage Erfahrung


Graduated Music Theory and Pedagogy at the Music Academy in Skopje, Macedonia.
He actively plays piano and synthesizers are his passion since earliest childhood.
In 2007 he joins the cabaret project of Goran Trajkoski, ‘’Circo Europia’’, performing on electric organs and keyboards. A year later, he was part of Alexander Veljanov’s “Porta Macedonia” tour, performing on keyboards. Igor works as a DJ, creates and produces electronic dance music and has published several digital releases for some of the established European music labels.
He lives in Berlin and from 2017 is part of the band Deine Lakaien.

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