
Kateryna Blokhina

BLOSHKA, Sängerin, Klassik-Sängerin, Gitarristin, Songwriterin, Komponistin, Texterin, Saxophonistin aus Ettlingen
Sängerin, Klassik-Sängerin, Gitarristin, Songwriterin, Komponistin, Texterin, Saxophonistin bei Bloshka [in Gründung] und Sängerin bei Bloshka and Band




You could fall in love with my voice!
(My boyfriend did)
I came from Ukraine, so u will not understand my lyrics, but if you enjoy the sound i would like to vibe with you.

My Songs are mostly emotional and always a part of my soul, i write everything on my own (since 10 years).

I enjoy the singing and performing my songs on stage, but my guitar skills are not the best, I'm only playing since 1 year 😅 It's why I'm here.

My dream would be to perform my own songs and maybe also some covers live on stage with a band, maybe you want to be a part?

I'm waiting for your Message



Pop band seeking additional members aus Karlsruhe

Bloshka and Band

Ukrainischer Indie-dream-pop aus Karlsruhe


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