
Marci Mcjefferson

Gitarrist bei Chained Life, Background-Sänger, Gitarrist aus Oberhausen
Gitarrist, Background-Sänger bei Chained Life


As someone who was born in the 80's, I have always been amazed by the power of music to connect people across all generations. As a soulful guitarist, I have dedicated my life to mastering the craft of music and creating sounds that resonate with people on a deep level.
I am a true music lover at heart and enjoy exploring different genres and styles to expand my musical palette. My favorite way to consume music is through vinyl because of the warmth and richness it brings to the listening experience.
Through my passion for music and guitar, I have had the opportunity to collaborate and create meaningful connections with artists and fans . If you love authentic, soulful guitar music, I invite you to join me on this journey of musical discovery.


Chained Life

Ein Mix aus Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk mit Melodien und härteren Klängen aus Oberhausen

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