
Band „ AtmOsfear“ sucht neuen Keyboarder

24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg

Anzeige von AtmOsfear (Progressiver Rock/Metal aus Henstedt-Ulzburg), veröffentlicht am 15. März 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Keyboarder/in
Genre: Rock, Metal
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Hallo, wir suchen einen neuen Keyboarder im Raum Hamburg Nord , der neue Herausforderungen sucht und unsere Musik und unseren Stil zu schätzen weiß.
Wir haben die vierte CD bereits vorproduziert, zwei PAs im Raum, für Gesang und Keys getrennt.

Hören kannst Du uns unter AtmOsfear.net bzw. bei allen Streamingdiensten👌🍀


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Founded in 1996, AtmOsfear is an independent Progressive-Metal-Project in which every member is able to fulfill his very own demands on music. The character and style of AtmOsfear could not better be focused than in the first 3-track release in 1997, simply named “AtmOsfear”: Premium class independent progressive Metal with a perfect rhythm section and a powerful & highly melodic voice, combined with screaming guitars and virtuous, atmospheric keyboards.
From then on the bands aim was to perform their 2 1/2 hour repertoire in every location and club, playing with highly reputable bands like Poverty's no Crime, Charisma (later to become Ivanhoe), Vanden Plas, and joining the HEADWAY FESTIVAL (with Pain of Salvation, Freak Kitchen, Bumblefoot, Sun Caged, Loch Vostock, etc.) and Evergrey.

(...) Mehr anzeigenThe tremendous response was topped with the release of the 2nd CD "Inside the Atmosphere" in 2003.

2009's “Zenith” was the next big step in melody linings and hooklines and showed the evolving progress of AtmOsfear creating fascinating soundscapes to their perfection. It was the first production with the new drummer Tim Schnabel replacing Olaf Sorgenfrei, who left the band in July 2008.

AtmOsfear are currently working on the follow-up "My Own Private Hell". Weniger anzeigen


Weitere Kontakte

Sänger in Wakendorf II

Gitarristen in Wakendorf II

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Schlagzeuger in Wakendorf II

Keyboarder in Wakendorf II

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