
The FUTURE of Hard Rock with YOU!

80331 München

Anzeige von ATOMIC HAZE (is a hard rock band based in Munich, Germany - JOIN US! aus München), veröffentlicht am 14. Februar 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Schlagzeuger/in, Sänger/in, Gitarrist/in, Keyboarder/in
Genre: Rock, Metal
Anspruch: Ambitioniert, Semiprofessionell
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren, Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: nicht vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


We are looking for a FRONTMAN, DRUMMER, RHYTHM-GUITARIST and KEYBOARDER with the ambition to join an upcoming rock band!
Our goal is to produce albums and create unforgettable live-shows with original material that has potential to reach many young people as well as fans of classic rock music with a modern approach.

Mostly inspired by 80s Hard Rock acts like MÖTLEY CRÜE, EUROPE, GUNS N ROSES and many more, we are searching for like-minded musicians in our age (20-25 years old) who are willing to build up a semi-professional band career with us and have fun together.

Are you ready or not ?

Just get in touch with us, we can't wait to hear from you!


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ATOMIC HAZE is a hard rock band based in Munich, Germany.

Coming from another group, founding members Kian Brogan and Florian Hieber have decided to pursue their passion and follow their dream of forming a new, young rock band full of potential to build up a career with a catalouge of original material and unforgettable live shows which can be performed in both smaller or bigger venues.

With the bassist and lead guitarist being ready to rock, we're currently looking for a Frontman, Drummer, Rhythm Guitarist and Keyboarder to complete the lineup. See our ad on how you can become a member...

The Band (so far) is:

Kian Brogan - Bass
Florian Hieber - Lead Guitar

Watch this space and fasten your seatbelts!


Weitere Kontakte

Sänger in München

Gitarristen in München

Bassisten in München

Schlagzeuger in München

Keyboarder in München

Weitere Kontakte in der Region München

Suche bayerische Formation, die eine Tuba benötigt:)

80331 München

Pop, Rock, Hip Hop/Rap, Ska/Reggae/Dancehall, Brass

Sänger/Frontman gesucht

Sänger/Frontman gesucht

80335 München


E-Bassist:in gesucht - Partyband München

E-Bassist:in gesucht - Partyband München

80331 München

Pop, Rock, Show/Tanz, Schlager/Unterhaltung

Bassist oder Gitarrist mit Gesang

Bassist oder Gitarrist mit Gesang

85354 Freising

Pop, Rock, Show/Tanz, Schlager/Unterhaltung

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