Charlotte Maine

Indie/Rock band Sucht Bassisten*in

10178 Berlin

Anzeige von Charlotte Maine (Indie/Pop Rock band aus Berlin), veröffentlicht am 21. Januar 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Bassist/in
Genre: Alternative/Independent
Anspruch: Ambitioniert, Hauptberuf
Skill: Sehr erfahren, Profi
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


The band Charlotte Maine is looking for a bass player. We consist of 3 musicians, all early-mid 30's, who all play at a professional level. We are currently working on the production of our first record and are looking to get on stage as much as possible this year. The work we have done so far has been primarily on writing and recording, so we have not played on stage very much yet but that is our next immediate priority. We are looking for a serious musician who is ambitious and in the best case musically fluent, but also that we mesh with on a personal level. If you are interested, please give our spotify a listen to see if the music is a good fit for you. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Die Ba (...) Mehr anzeigennd Charlotte Maine sucht eine/n Bassisten*in. Wir haben gerade drei Musiker, alle mitte 30, die auf professionellem Niveau spielen. Wir arbeiten gerade an unsem ersten Album und wollen dieses Jahr so viel auftreten wie möglich. Bis jetzt ist unsere Arbeit auf das Schreiben und Aufnehmen fokussiert gewesen, also sind Auftritte jetzt die höchste Priorität. Wir suchen einen Musiker der ehrgeizig und erfahren ist, der aber auch persönlich gut zu uns passt. Wenn du Interesse hast, bitte bei Spotify reinhören. Wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören! Weniger anzeigen


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Michael and Christine met in music conservatory in southern Germany, where they started playing music together. When Michael’s songwriting and guitar background collided with Christine’s strength in vocals and keys, it became clear that they would benefit from working together. After learning some covers, they moved into writing original music, pulling influences from all over the spectrum of their broad musical interests. Characterized by interweaving vocal melodies, complex song structures, and vivid emotions, Charlotte Maine strives to create music that is stimulating while being relatable to anyone.


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