
Looking for bandmembers to start my band


Anzeige von David Shades (Gitarrist, Bassist aus Regensburg), veröffentlicht am 21. April 2024


Rubrik: Gitarrist, Bassist sucht Mitmusiker (Sänger/in, Keyboarder/in, Schlagzeuger/in, Synthesizerspieler/in, Soundtechniker/in, Musiker/in, Gitarrist/in)
Genre: Metal, Alternative/Independent
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: nicht vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Hello, I (21,m German, but I wrote in English so more people can understand) am looking for musicians to form a band with. After spending time as a guitarist for several bands (thrash and death) I now want to follow my own artistic vision and need your help (we would start more or less from scratch). My influences come from all Metal-genres, from bands like Machine Head and Sabaton to Ensiferum and Zeal & Ardor, from popular Core to niche Black Metal bands. I love some melodic epicness, but also raw dirty brutality, so maybe we can combine that.

What I am looking for:
-Most important a drummer and someone who knows
how to orchestrate/use sfx and the technical stuff
-Then a vocalist, preferably gutturals
-I play guitar or bass, whatever is needed more, my
vocals are not that good

-Mus (...) Mehr anzeigenicians who are not genre-elitists, ambitious and
want to become professionals in the long run. I am in
no way close to that, but it is my goal. If you are not a
master of your instrument, that is completely fine
(neither am I), but if you are, that's even better.

If you are interested, feel free to write me. I also don't think it is a problem when we don't live in the same city. I am happy about every message. Weniger anzeigen


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