Maya Ma

Looking for commited musicians to form a band with

12439 Berlin

Anzeige von Maya Ma (Gitarristin, Songwriterin, Komponistin, Sängerin, Schlagzeugerin, Bassistin bei Maya Ma und Sängerin, Komponistin, Songwriterin, Gitarristin bei illuza), veröffentlicht am 21. Juli 2023


Rubrik: Gitarristin, Komponistin sucht Mitmusiker (Bassist/in, Gitarrist/in, Keyboarder/in, Synthesizerspieler/in, Saxophonist/in, Schlagzeuger/in)
Genre: Rock, Alternative/Independent
Anspruch: Ambitioniert, Semiprofessionell, Hauptberuf
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren, Sehr erfahren, Profi
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Hey there,

I'm looking for serious, committed musicians who want to form a band which is more than just a hobby. Music is my life's mission and I want to create with people who feel the same. I have some original songs but the idea is to also create together. Feel is everything to me - virtuosity is great, but if you have the feel everything else is bonus in my opinion.
My biggest influence is Pink Floyd. There is no band that took me to the universes pink floyd took me and this is the quality and atmosphere I aspire to.
Other bands that I love: king crimson, the beatles, led zeppelin, camel, gong, budgie, genesis, queen, black sabbath..

Here are some unfinished demos:

instagram.com/ma (...) Mehr anzeigen_ya_ma_/

If you're interested please send me examples of your playing/music ! Weniger anzeigen


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Musikalischer Werdegang

My biggest influences: Pink floyd, the beatles, led zeppelin, king crimson, gong, yesterdays children, budgie, yes, queen, leaf pound, camel


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