Invisible Joe & The Mushroom Gorilla

wanted: synths for rock band

35037 Marburg

Anzeige von Invisible Joe & The Mushroom Gorilla (come as you are aus Marburg), veröffentlicht am 16. Mai 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Synthesizerspieler/in
Genre: Rock, Alternative/Independent
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


we are striving to find a synth/sound maniac to carry our music to another level. let´s explore our creativity together.


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Invisible Joe & The Musroom Gorilla … “prove what real rock is”.
“catchy rock tunes with undertones of real grit”
“Surreal is the first track of the groups debut album “No Title” and we´re hooked!”
Buzz Music
“Finding the Invisible Joe & The Mushroom Gorilla is like finding an old friend you haven’t seen in a long time! It is the rock friend who transmits his soul to you with his eyes, his actions, his incredible and stunning personality.”
System Failure
“Fusing rock and metal backgrounds with vocals honed in more of a traditional, stage musical environment sees German rockers Invisible Joe & The Mushroom Gorilla offer up a sound that’s almost as intriguing as their name.”
“The EP is superb, so go and give it a listen.”


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