Looking for a Metal Drummer

In Dying Lights

64283 Darmstadt

Anzeige von Looking for a Metal Drummer (Metalcore / Melodic Deathcore aus Darmstadt), veröffentlicht am 22. März 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Schlagzeuger/in
Genre: Metal
Anspruch: Semiprofessionell
Skill: Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Metalcore / Melodic Deathcore : looking for a new Drummer.

- Experienced Drummer

We bid:
-Professional environment, producer, publishing and distribution
-20-40 shows per year
Dedicated, fair, funny, awesome togetherness and goal-oriented professional action
New album 2024
Professional Video releases

What should u bring?
-Great passion for modern and hard music!
-musical skills at a high level
-Many years of band and live experience is a plus.
Professional ambition, sense of responsibility and, if necessary, long-term way of thinking
-Time and head for a (semi-)professional band!

-Mobility and economically able to invest in the band as much as everyone else is a must.
-Knowledge of the peculiarities and processes of the music business in the Modern Heavy genre is helpful.
(...) Mehr anzeigen
If all this sounds super cool for you and you are up for a thick band experience, then just get in touch with us. We'd love to tell you more! Weniger anzeigen


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We are looking for a metal drummer, blast beats, double bass, triplets etc.
What we offer:
Touring, shows, festivals, videos, new albums, professional environment.

What are we looking for:
A committed and experienced musician that practices his instrument constantly.
All year around availability for shows, employed and able to sustain the costs and investments to be in a touring band.
For more info and questions lets continue this conversation in private.


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