oskar's mum

Willst du oskar's mum sein?

99089 Erfurt

Anzeige von oskar's mum (Indie / Alternative Rock Pop aus Erfurt), veröffentlicht am 9. Juli 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Schlagzeuger/in
Genre: Rock, Alternative/Independent
Anspruch: Semiprofessionell
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


oskar's mum ist Post Indie, irgendwo zwischen Nirvana, Synthies und Zukunft. Wenn das nach dir klingt, du Drums spielst und zwischen 22 und 44 Jahren bist, melde dich bitte. Umgebung Erfurt wäre toll, ist aber kein Muss. 🙆‍♀️

Wir treffen uns in der Regel 1x/Woche und wollen eine Festivalband werden.

Wichtig: diskriminierendes, rassistisches, schwurblerisches Gedankengut finden wir uncool. Bitte dann einfach weiterscrollen.

Cheers, wir freuen uns auf dich,
Robert & Lena


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oskar's mum, that is profound alternative rock with strong guitar riffs, bass solos and striking female vocals. Their sound ranges from driving Brit Pop beats to visionary synth sounds to grungy melancholy vibes. Like the cold shower after a sweaty night in the underground – that’s what oskar’s mum feels like. The focus is on the intense lyrics by front woman Lena Stoppe. She condenses copious themes like self-empowerment, freedom and tolerance into intoxicatingly poetic calls to action. These powerful socio-political statements are echoed in artistically sophisticated music videos.

Founded in 2019, oskar’s mum features lead singer and keyboardist Lena Stoppe and electric guitarist Robert Schmeißer. Their first three singles Sun, Circus and Ibiza were released in 2020. By the end of (...) Mehr anzeigenthe year Sun alone had reached 170,000 streamings on Spotify. In addition the Thuringia Grammy 2020 acknowledged oskar’s mum with both Special Awards and the Best Song Award for Sun. Despite Corona, two new singles were released in 2021: High and Train's Leaving Station. The latter propelled oskar's mum directly in the "BahnhofBeats" finale, hosted by the renowned band network Local Heroes. In a new line-up, the band released their first EP in September 2022 – funded by the prestigious Initiative Musik. The EP Who the fuck knows oskar's mum? features six new songs and three music videos (Confidence, Luck and River). Subsequently to the release oskar’s mum started their first tour across Germany and Poland. Weniger anzeigen


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