Paris Steff

I'm looking for a band or an artist

0 Kozani

Anzeige von Paris Steff (Percussionist aus Kozani), veröffentlicht am 15. März 2024


Rubrik: Percussionist sucht Band
Genre: Pop, Rock, Blues
Anspruch: Hauptberuf
Skill: Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: nicht vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Im looking for a band or an artist


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Musikalischer Werdegang

Hello my name is Paris Stefanidis but my friends call me Steff. Im 25 years old and I live in Greece. The music I play is blues rock. I've played with quite a few bands. What I'm looking for is an artist or band that sees it as more than a hobby and a profession. I'm at the stage in my life where I would do anything for music. I hope you like my material and contact me .


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