Christopher Mooney

1st wave grunge, punk-hardcore, english sprache

32427 Minden

Anzeige von Christopher Mooney (Sänger, Gitarrist aus Minden), veröffentlicht am 9. Juli 2024


Rubrik: Sänger, Gitarrist sucht Band oder Mitmusiker (Schlagzeuger/in)
Genre: Rock, Metal, Punk/Hardcore
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: nicht vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


19 y.o. I'm seeking for a drummer with any reasonable Proberaum suggestions within 15km from Hannover centre, any age. I used to manage the band for 5 years before I moved here. The project has a huge image emphasis, vintage style, masked members, usage of tape videography (vhs/hi8), deep lore, name and logos, plenty of song material (guitar + lyrics). Live shows are in priority at first. I've had a whole year of stagnation without any studio, so my vocals are pretty screwed up at the moment. It would take a while to get back in shape. Message me for any suggestions/questions


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Musikalischer Werdegang

write something in the spirit of 1st wave late 80s grunge/hard- and post-hardcore.
relish 20th century music, most eras and genres; stick to vintage aesthetics all throughout the artist identity.
freaking nerd when it comes to songwriting. every line gotta be meaningful. complicated rhythmic and rhyme patterns are all over my lyrics, without sounding experimental. got my own approach to cover themes such as religion, psychology, substance abuse, with a touch of philosophy


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