Shoo Bee Doom

Swing-Metal Band is looking for a trumpet player

04109 Leipzig

Anzeige von Shoo Bee Doom (Swing. Metal. Fun. aus Leipzig), veröffentlicht am 13. Juli 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Musiker/in
Genre: Metal, Jazz
Anspruch: Ambitioniert, Semiprofessionell
Skill: Erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Do you love the sound of 1920s jazz? Are you into modern metal? Do you want to combine both? Then you're in the right place! We are Shoo Bee Doom from Leipzig, and we play swing metal. To expand our brass section, we are looking for a trumpeter from Leipzig.

About us:
We are all around 30 years old and have been playing our instruments for a few years. If you're in a similar range: great. As a band, we have a fully equipped rehearsal room and our own sound and lighting equipment, including in-ear monitoring. The band language is (mostly) English, as we have two members whose German still has room for improvement. We like to think we're pretty nice; at least no one has told us otherwise, but you'll hopefully be able to judge that for yourself soon :)

Goals and ambitions:
We aim high but s (...) Mehr anzeigentay realistic. Sure, we dream of playing at Wacken one day, but mainly we want to bring our music to the stage, and we know that you have to start small. So for us, it's about getting on stage, even if it's a small one; we don't want to be just a rehearsal room band. Ideally, you should also be eager to perform and be prepared for around two gigs a month (maybe more) in the medium term.

Rehearsals & availability:
We usually rehearse every Thursday from 6 PM, so it would be great if that works for you too. If necessary, we can make changes, but that would be done reluctantly. As mentioned earlier, availability on weekends is also important. Of course, you can miss a gig sometimes, but we plan to fill the year with performances.

As a side note, you don't have to be a virtuoso on your instrument; what matters most is your commitment. Sure, a certain level of technical expertise is important, but we can work on that. What is important to us is that you also participate in the less exciting band activities (booking, website, planning, etc.) or contribute in some other way, and that you're enthusiastic about making music with us.

If this sounds appealing to you, we would be thrilled to meet you, so just write to us :)
Best regards, Shoo Bee Doom Weniger anzeigen


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Shoo Bee Doom. Swing UND Metal.
Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht diese Gegenpole zusammenzubringen und schaffen daraus ein musikalisches Inferno. In unseren Songs stecken Leidenschaft, Feuer, Spaß und eine Extraportion Groove. Harte Riffs und bellende Bläser; wir haben alles dabei.

Unsere illustre Truppe von 6 Musikern jedweder musikalischer Couleur wird angeführt von Frontfrau Eden, und wir bringen neben Klassikern wie Drums, Gitarre und Bass auch eine kleine Bläsersektion mit. Musikalisch schlagen wir den Bogen zwischen Big-Band-Jazz der 1920er, Funk, modernem Metal und was uns gerade sonst noch so Spaß macht. Denn der soll bei der Musik im Vordergrund stehen.

Nach "Old School Medicine", "Swingin It" und "Devils Dance" arbeiten wir bereits mit Hochdruck an den nächsten Singles. Di (...) Mehr anzeigene nächste erscheint am 31.05.2024 und trägt den Namen "I Gotta Sing". Ihr habt Lust auf mehr? Dann schaut doch auf unserer Website oder bei einem unserer Konzerte vorbei! Weniger anzeigen


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