Sleeping Child

Gitarrist:in gesucht

20535 Hamburg

Anzeige von Sleeping Child (Stoner/ Psycheldelic/ Desert/ Post/ Progressive aus Hamburg), veröffentlicht am 6. Februar 2024


Rubrik: Band sucht Gitarrist/in
Genre: Rock, Metal, Alternative/Independent
Anspruch: Hobby, Ambitioniert
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren, Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Moin. Wir sind Sleeping Child aus Hamburg und wenn du Gitarre spielst und viel Unfug im Kopf hast schreib uns doch gerne.
Auch wenn wir mit Sleeping Child schon viel gemacht haben sind wir drei verbliebenen offen für neue Wege und keinesfalls an Genre oder Namen gebunden.


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Imagine you wake up in the middle of a post-apocalyptic world. Everything you love and know is gone. What remains of humanity is nothing more than braindead creatures, driven by carnal desires in an atomic desert.
A giant steam engine paves its way through rotten streets and poisoned fields. From the inside you hear an intimate but abstract sound of music.
Round and honest lyrics tell stories of how it came this far.
Following their first studio album „Rise Of The Astrophant“ released in May 2019,
Sleeping Child debuted with a tour through Europe, which ended during the lockdown of 2020.

The pandemic was their time to think about the future. After weeks of isolation they came back to rehearsal and proceeded working on their second album „Supernovian Remnant“.
A wild ride merry-go-round t (...) Mehr anzeigenhrough nightmares and scary pictures eclipsed by an enormous hurricane that finds its way into the light. Waiting to be released, cutting off your hopes and dreams to leave you behind whimpering and confused. Weniger anzeigen


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