Thirty Something

Thirty Something (Band) sucht Sänger/in, Bassist/in

81675 München

Anzeige von Thirty Something (Punk/Pop Punk aus München), veröffentlicht am 11. Mai 2024


Genre: Punk/Hardcore
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Erfahren
Songmaterial: nicht vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


We're looking for a vocalist to front an energetic pop punk band. Someone who can turn up the heat and scream too - someone that can sound just as angry as they can sound happy. We currently have a few instrumental songs recorded, and are working on others too.
Get in touch so we can send you a track to record a demo with so we can get a feel of your vibe and ideas.

We're also on the lookout for a bassist. Preferably with some experience and is comfortable learning songs quickly.


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Melodic pop punk with a little more.


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