
On Stranger Tides

“On Stranger Tides", a quartet from Dortmund (GER) aus Dortmund, seit 2022



“On Stranger Tides", a quartet from Dortmund (GER), invites their listeners to a journey, which provides a disturbing spectrum of emotions on the instrumental side. Rough, honest, wild, sprouting over further like melancholic, dark and brightened up. shifted into the tides, which can offer surprises and interesting details. Lyrically the tracks let the listeners drift, sinking into a raging storm of all the emotional spheres, including a hint for criticism for the here and now, the being. But always with the focus forward, off the swinging, looking for peace and serenity. To live & transport it. While the warm sunlight makes it easier to retrospective the recent journey.

Like the wild sea, OST is letting themselves drift into their music, letting emotions and ideas happen and creating the (...) Mehr anzeigen space for the passion of writing and creating music. Everyone is invited to become a part of this journey, based on a mix of melodic Hardcore sounds, metalcore elements and heavy ambient elements. Weniger anzeigen


Philipp Hirsch



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