

Indie-Pop aus Dreieich, seit 2004



Pillow Fight Club propagates the radical existentialism of the name-giving novel by Chuck Palahniuk by playing less hardball than star-director David Fincher. Instead of womanizer Pitt and raw fists, faustian double- X-reflexions at 120 bpm dominate as well as a symphonic scope that reaches from unornamental postpunk to glistening garnished musical-expression. If Meat Loaf, as casted in Fincher's Fight Club, has been inspiration to the demothballed, Rocky-Horror-romance might be inessential. Essential is that the plush-version of the violent secret loge mixes the omnipresent reductionism of the Zeitgeist-apostles with a proper quantum of jaunty enthusiasm - an endeavour as bold as discrepant which only succeeds marvelously because the female singing voice of the "band of two couples" alter (...) Mehr anzeigennates between the schizoid forms of expression of no-wave legend Kim Gordon and Cindy Lauper..s infantile distinctive squallerism. Let's hope that this drastic analogy towards the split personality protagonist of the quoted reading will not end betimes with a barrel in the mouth. If the Beauvoiric abstractions over no-wave meters among a wonderland of enchanting outmoded kitschables, are as suitable for the process of self-discovery as a proper fist in the face, in the end its a matter of fitness. In a time, when the aesthetic rebellion, categorized in neo-, pre-, post- and avant- , mainly organizes itself through the cut of suits, pop becomes the super sub version of the status quo. Only good, that we can also breathe the wonderful fond antics of this musical satellite, just as the wasteful twinkle of a lonesome disco ball in four four time. Weniger anzeigen


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