
Private Eyes

Rock, Alternative/Independent aus München, seit 2016


Private Eyes is a rock band from Munich, created by Franz Bader and Freddie Mack. Both of them have a long history of being frontmen/singer/guitarists/songwriters in their respective bands, Freddie with his hard rock trio Liquid Meat an Franz with his indie rock bands Jetlights and the Aberdeens. If you count together the times each of them have been on stage it totals to more than 200 gigs played, including Festivals of all sizes such as Frequency, Wacken, Sinnflut, and Theatron Musiksommer, and between them, they have spent more than their fair share of time in the studio resulting cumulatively in 7 Albums. The two of them have spent countless hours trading “war stories” about their experiences on and off stage, but despite having so much in common, the two brothers in arms never once pl (...) Mehr anzeigenayed together. But that finally changed in the winter of 2015, when they met for a jam session that resulted in their first song. This continued on an almost bi-weekly basis, every time resulting with new material. Franz and Freddie did not have to compromise their styles, somehow Freddie's american rock n roll riffs were perfectly complemented by Franz' moody brit rock licks and to their amazement it created the happiest and most upbeat music either of them have ever created. Now they faced the question…what are we actually doing here and where is it going anyways? They were way too excited about the results of their collaboration to keep it to themselves, and thus the band Private Eyes was born. To complete the line up, Freddie’s rhythm section from Liquid Meat joined the pack, with Max Horch on bass and Giovanni Raabe on drums. Together, they went to the studio on March 20th to record their yet untitled EP, one day after their first gig at Germany’s biggest high school organized music festival, the 10th Annual Rock Am Klenze. A lot has happened in only a short few months, and if all goes well, there is plenty more to come. Weniger anzeigen


Franz B.

Gitarrist, Sänger


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