

Punk with a little metal touch aus Herisau, seit 2005



Creating „Shame-on-u“ was a simple process. First, Marco Latino started a band together with Dominik Rohrer (former school friend) named „Redback Spiders“. Two other members then joined the band and they started to write a few songs. As time went by, Marco and Dominik realized they weren’t heading in the right direction with this formation. Motivation and drive just seemed to be missing.
A few weeks later Marco and Dominik left the band and started another project called „Attitude“. Ruben Baumgartner, also a friend from school days, joined up as a drummer. At the same time they met Daniel Germann and he sat in at a jam session. Daniel was immediately taken on as a singer. But unfortunately, they were still missing a bass player. During this period they composed and wrote their first songs (...) Mehr anzeigenlike „About A Girl“, „Advice“ and „Bad News“.
Time flew by and they still didn’t find a bass player, so Daniel took the initiative and thought himself to play. Now Marco also started vocals and the band took on a whole new shape. From this moment on Marco and Daniel sang alternately and have kept up this pattern until today.
About a year later „Attitude“ began to fall apart. Ruben worked late into the evenings and therefore missed rehersal. He then left the group, after a mutual decision, so they were again on the look-out for a drummer. A few months later they met Sebastian Ott and after a couple of jam sessions they decided to have him join the band. The group now practiced harder, wrote more songs than ever before and changed their name to „Bad-Attitude“. By doing this they could have a new start and forget about the time wasted in the „Attitude“ phase. They started to play their first live concerts but most were only satisfactory. „Bad-Attitude“ didn’t let this get them down. As a matter of fact they were hungry for more - Practice and more practice.
Almost a year passed by with this formation but little problems began to surface. Sebastian, their drummer, seemed to have other plans and lost interest. A decision had to be made and it was a quick one. Sebastian left the band. „Bad-Attitudes“ „hard-core members“ Marco, Dominik and Daniel, were once again alone without a drummer. Then suddenly they were introduced to Lukas Köllä, a local student, and after one jam session he joined the group on the spot.
Now „Bad-Attitude“ was once again complete, full of energy, and ready to storm the stage. They started to record their first demo album called „Generation 2-Day“, and on their homepage they sold band t-shirts and other promotional items.
About a year later, the guys changed their band name to „Shame-on-u“ to avoid any conflict with a German band, who seemed to have rights on the name „Bad-Attitude“. A few weeks later they recorded their second demo CD containing the three songs „Blind Eyes Don’t See“, „My Grave“ and „Shallow“. Short after that Dominik and Lukas left the band for private reasons. Once again “Shame-on-u” was missing band members. As Marco and Daniel where looking for new members, they met Rob de Tata who had proven to be a very good drummer. Rob immediately joined “Shame-on-u”.
In the year 2009 the band got signed by the label Copro Records / Casket Music UK. So they left for England to record their first official album named "Blind Eyes Don't See". Since they were still missing a second guitarist Marco played both of them on the record. After five weeks of recording Shame-on-u returned to Switzerland to gain money to make up for the costs of the album. A few months later, shortly before the record release, the band met Chris Kuhn who joined the band as the new guitarist. Now Shame-on-u is once and for all complete and ready to rock again! Weniger anzeigen


Marco Latino

Sänger, Gitarrist


Sänger, Bassist

Chris Kuhn


Rob De Tata

Schlagzeuger, Sänger


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