

Cinematic Progressive Rock aus Leipzig, seit 2016



Soulsplitter is a highly dedicated Germany-based music and arts collective founded by the musicians Fenix (drums), Simon (guitars), Daniel (keys) and Felix (bass). They started writing on their debut record “Salutogenesis” in 2016, eager from the start to melt their musical backgrounds and influences into a new and original sound. Inspired by the Progressive Rock from the seventies as well as modern Metal sounds, Jazz harmonies and the intricate classical compositions of the late romanticism, their sound evokes reminiscences of Dream Theater, Steven Wilson and Opeth – but also Pink Floyd, Emerson, Lake and Palmer or Queen.
The album itself consists of eight songs which act like movements in a coherent story, telling a tale of love, death, meaning and self-awareness.
You can be excited for (...) Mehr anzeigen a 60-minute trip into a world where the realms of Science-Fiction and Mythology, of dream and reality will merge to take you on a journey to your own "Salutogenesis".
Soulsplitter is all about the music. But also about performance, emotions, experiences and images. It is therefore drawing in artists from all branches, aiming to create extensive, genre-bending projects - while also striving to provide inspirational and meaningful content to foster catharsis and space for personal development and connection between both the recipients and the artists themselves. Weniger anzeigen


Fenix Gayed

Schlagzeuger, Pianist, Gitarrist, Producer, Komponist, Sänger

Simon Kramer


Daniel Gräupner

Keyboarder, Pianist


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