

Folkmetal aus Salzburg, seit 1999



Who is Tanqeray?
All in all, a pretty mixed bunch, but even though King Leo (lead vocals, accoustic guitar), Lady Boradeaux (5-string-bass), Major Tom (drums and perspiration), Count Vlad (viola) and Magic Mike (heavily distorted guitar, backing vocals) think and walk in entirely different universes, there's a common base thy share: love for music and one another (the usual: sex, drugs and rock'n'roll).

What are they trying to produce?

Fun, most of all, because it's a nice stew of metal and folk they are cooking, which is bound to make you dance. Take an ever moving drum set, stir in some ultra-low frequency bass lines and a classical clean rhythm guitar. Cook this with a healthily distorted electric guitar (yeah, it's a gibson), some traditional folk vocals and viola lines to taste. The (...) Mehr anzeigenn mix it loud and serve it hot.

So if you've ever wondered what it must be like to set up your tent somewhere in the heart of Ireland, and to dance head-banging around the campfire with a Murphy's in your hand - be sure to check out Tanqeray at one of their next gigs. Weniger anzeigen


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