
The Crestfallen

Franconian Death Metal aus Nürnberg, seit 1996



In March 1996 "The Crestfallen" was established by the brothers Markus and Andreas Kohler. Located in Nürnberg Germany the band starts as a Doom Death Metal Band with influences of bands like Anathema, Paradise Lost. 1997 Marcus Riedhammer (Drums) and Andreas Ritter (Bass) completed the band for the following years. Jürgen „Eumel“ Aumann starts as singer in 1998. In the end of 1998 the crestfallen recorded the first demo tape called “the stone”. Andinger finally completed the band as singer in 1999. 2003 the band recorded their first album „Awake and Bleed“. Based on personal reasons Markus Kohler and Marcus Riedhammer left the band in 2006. After a few silent years in 2007 Christian Hädelt and Benjamin Dambach completed the band again. With Maximilian Bauer the Band found a new Drumer in (...) Mehr anzeigen2009. In 2012 the new album „the apocalypse we long for“ was recorded in Rebound Studio - Nürnberg.

In the past years the Band played with a lot of bands on gigs and festivals like UP FROM THE GROUND, METALCAMP, ZABBADUSCHDER, ROT IN HELL. Weniger anzeigen


Andreas Kohler

Gitarrist, Songwriter


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